How to answer RE questions by selecting the right information? (For students of low literacy )

How to answer RE questions by selecting the right information?

First: Understand “key words” in the question (in green).

Second: Look up these words in the dictionary.

Third: What does the question want? 

          Google the question and see what answers are given.

Task 1: Abortion

  • Explain why abortion is an ethical issue. 

Explain means give reasons and make it clear.

An ethical issue involves right and wrong. What standards and values determine whether something should be done.

  • What are some of the tricky issues related to abortion? 

Tricky means difficult, complex, tough.

Issue means topic, subject.

Task 2: Catholic Social Teaching

  • TWO Catholic Social teachings are human dignity and preferential care for the poor and vulnerable.

  • Describe each one in detail. Give specific information one at a time.

  • Relate it to the issue of abortion. Connect it to abortion

  • Use supporting evidence from the Bible, Catechism and/or Papal encyclicals.

Task 3: Connect

  • Describe the personal/social implications if a person were to apply CST to abortion. Personal/ individual or about you, social/ about the people around you

Implication results/ effects

  • Describe, using an example, an alternative way that some people within the Catholic church view abortion.

Alternative/ different/another

To answer the question.

  1. Now break the question into parts, google search and read around the topic to understand the main ideas.

  2. Select information that you understand. Select information answers the question.

Copy and paste the website address.

From ___________(name of site), in the article “.........” (title of article) published  on _______(date), the writer states _____________.

Punctuate with “.......”

Exercise A    Select the 3 sentences that answer this question.

1. Explain why abortion is an ethical question.

  1. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances in six countries El Salvador, Malta, the Vatican, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua 

  2. Abortion is an ethical issue because if the unborn child is considered a person then abortion is an act of murder. 

  3. Abortion is good for women because they may not want a baby.

  4. Abortion is about right and wrong because some people think the unborn child should have no rights.

  5. Abortion is right for those who think it is a personal choice and wrong for Catholics. This makes it an ethical question.

  6. Abortion makes people ask many questions so it is about ethics.

2. Describe human dignity in detail and relate it to abortion.

  1. Human dignity and abortion are related because Catholics like both.

  2. Human dignity is right but abortion is wrong for a Catholic.

  3. Human dignity means even at the beginning of its life, human life has value, while abortion takes away that life.

  4. The basis for the theme of Human Dignity, the foundation of Catholic Social Teaching, is that humans were created in the image and likeness of God. Regardless of any factors or reasons we can think of, individuals have an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity; each human life is considered sacred.

  5. Human dignity implies that each person is worthy of honor and respect for who they are, not just for what they can do. In other words, even for unborn children human dignity cannot be earned and should not be taken away by abortion.

  6. Jesus died for all humans including the life growing in the womb. This means that we can not kill the unborn baby who has human dignity because Jesus died for it.

Pick which sentence answers the question better and explain why.

3. Describe the personal/social implications if a person were to apply CST to abortion.

  1. CST says no to abortion so the mother gives birth to the child. Catholics think that children are a gift so the family would be really happy and want even more children. CST encourages large happy families and more dignity of life. 

  2. If a person were to apply CST to abortion, means that the person would reject abortion and have a child. The personal implications on family would be they need to help look after the child and our societies need to help provide support for that mother and child.

4. Describe, using an example, an alternative way that some people within the Catholic church view abortion.

a An alternative way that some people within the Catholic church view abortion is that they feel abortion is right, when the mother's life is in danger and abortion should be legal in this case. But when the mother’s life is safe, most Catholics think that abortion wrong.

b People within the Catholic church view abortion as wrong but that they feel abortion is right, when the mother's life is in danger and abortion should be legal in this case. Other people within the Catholic church view abortion as wrong under all circumstances. However, when the mother’s life is safe, all Catholics think that abortion wrong.


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